The radio medische dienst as a core task
A core task of the KNRM is to provide medical assistance via the Radio Medische Dienst – Radio Medical Service (RMD). If help is needed on board a ship for an injured or sick person on board, the KNRM offers medical advice worldwide and free of charge via the Radio Medische Dienst. The captain of a seagoing vessel or yacht can request medical assistance at any time. The communication can be in both Dutch and English.
Prepare contact
You can contact the Radio Medical Service in various ways. That depends, among other things, on where the ship is located. All important information about the working method and the procedures to be followed can be found in our brochure ‘Radio Medische Dienst’.

Medical advice
In case of emergency, the Radio Medische Dienst doctors can be called up 24 hours a day via the Dutch Coast Guard. They do this work in addition to their daily work as general practitioners. Our doctors are familiar with life on board. On the basis of the reported symptoms and complaints, or the RMA Questionnaire from the Medical Handbook for Shipping, they can remotely diagnose and advise on the steps to be taken.
In many cases, the crew on board can provide first aid themselves. The doctor will guide them step by step in the treatment of the patient. It is also possible that an injured or ill person on board must be examined in a hospital upon arrival in a port. If specialist help is needed, our Radio Medische dienst doctors can also call on medical specialists in their network.
Medical evacuation
If the victim's situation is so serious that he must be urgently disembarked, a medical evacuation will follow. The Dutch Coast Guard coordinates this in consultation with the RMD doctor. Within Dutch waters, the evacuation takes place with KNRM lifeboats or a special SAR (Search and Rescue) helicopter, depending on the situation. In international waters, the nearest aid agency is called in. Prepare well and download this questionnaire on board.

Obligation of the national government
The 24/7 provision of worldwide assistance and medical advice on board is an obligation of the Dutch government that arises from international collaborations. This task has been outsourced to the KNRM, which implements it via the RMD. All requests for medical assistance to the RMD are processed.
The RMD is only intended for urgent and unforeseen situations. Shipping companies and shipping companies are themselves responsible for prevention and (information about) vaccinations.
Go out to sea well prepared
In practice, it regularly happens that the medical facilities on board are not in order. This makes it more difficult for the RMD doctor to do his job properly.
Go out to sea well prepared! The tips below will help you:
Make sure that the medicine chest is fully stocked and that all medical devices are usable;
Make sure that all persons on board know where the RMD questionnaire and medical resources are stored;
Discuss the method and practice regularly requesting and following medical advice;
Do not go out to sea with a sick crew member;
Make sure that the ship's doctor, captain or mate is familiar with the medicine use of all persons on board, including the correct dosage;
Make sure that those on board visit a dentist in time and have healthy teeth: antibiotics should be prescribed regularly for unnecessary dental infections.
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